Christmas 2008

Friday, January 2

Back to friends and family here.

December 26 (Fri) - Snow, snow, snow
December 27 (Sat) -Christmas at the Murray's
December 28 (Sun) - Church; Big melt (no pictures)
December 29 (Mon) - ...or not. (Another storm, melt, etc.)
December 30 (Tues) - Lunch with Mom and Dad; Time with the Holmans
December 31 (Wed) - Trip to Seattle and Sunriver
Jan 1 (Thurs) - Family day at the condo
Jan 2 (Fri) - Skiing!!!! at Mt. Bachelor
Jan 3 (Sat) - Trip back to Seattle
Jan 4 (Sun) - Back to DFW.



On Friday, Guy and I finally got to go skiing at Mount Bachelor,

Sunriver is only 18 miles from Mount Bachelor if you know how to get there. Sunriver is made up of 11 traffic circles. Without a map it is virtually impossible to figure out where to go. Our first guess was to follow the most signs and ended up by the airport and a fishing lodge - the opposite way we wanted to go. A map from the lodge resturant put us back on track. .

The intrepid skiers! I did OK, considering I hadn't skied in 2 years. I only fell a couple of times and the soft snow made each of those almost enjoyable (OK - I did rest a few times in the snow after a fall).

By the end of the day our legs were screaming. It's a good thing I did some working out before I came. Guy was so tired because he is a telemark skier (back country skis). The technique requires a lot of muscle and techique (a lot of bending). I think he does it for the challenge, the exercise, AND to be able to slow him down so that he can ski with us mortals.



Afterwards back at the condo Guy demonstrates some of his tricks with Kaler.
See this video from Kaler's blog.

Not a big fan of hot tubs, but the kids talked me into it. At least the water wasn't too hot.

Introductions (cirular from left to right): Emma, Guy, Kaler, Nathan, me, Josh.


Next page - January 3

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