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Mr. Murray's Physics |
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Teachers and students (that are not mine): Please Read this Notice;
PreAP Physics 2010-2011 |
Magnetism - WATER ROCKET LAB Fri/Mon - You need to make a rocket. Last Homework and rocket info here. Test Wed/Thurs. Hw keys and other keys are in the notes page. Due Mon., May 23, and Tues., May 24 - Magnetism 5; make sure Magnetism 4 and Magnetic Equations are completed. Due Thurs., May 19, and Fri., May 20 - Magnetism 4; also finish the back of: "Magnetism Equations", which you got in class (a blank copy and some answers in the notes section). Due Tues., May 17, and Wed., May 18 - Magnetism 3. Some answers and hints are now on the last page of the homework.. Study session for Right Hand Rule and EOC on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall. You will need the "Transformer" Notes. I forgot to pass these out to per 1. There is a copy in the notes page, but the questions only take about 5 minutes. Come just a bit early to take care of it. A-day: Due Fri., May 13 and B-day: Due Mon., May 16 Light and Optics - GET YOUR ALL OR NOTHING QUIZ MADE UP NOW! Here's the schedule for tests, etc, for the next week. - more notes in notes page. Period 5: I forgot to show you polarization. Please read the top of this homework from last year. A-day: Due Tues., May 3, and B-day: Due Wed., May 4 - Light and Optics 7. See note above. YOU WILL NEED INTERNET FOR THIS HOMEWORK! You'll need this link. | Here's examples of the Atomic Spectra that we looked at in class. A-day: Due Mon., April 25; B-day: Due Mon, May 2 (after TAKS) [you will have different short HW due TAKS week] - Light and Optics 5 (yes, 5 is due after 6 for B-day) PAY ATTENTION TO DUE DATES! Due TAKS Week (preparing for the lab) Light and Optics 6. Do it Tues morning. Per 6/5 Tues.; Per 1/2 Due Wed; Per 7/8: Thurs. Do your homework Tues morning and be done with it! FOR FRI, April 22: go here - also, "TAKS and Tunes" study session: Mon., April 25 at 4:15 p.m. Probably in the lecture hall. Bring snacks! Tell your friends. Open to everyone: On Level or Sophomores, etc. Some homework keys are in the notes page. Due Wed., Apr 20 (A-day), and Thurs., Apr 21 (B-day) - Light and Optics 3 Due Mon., Apr 18 (A-day), and Tues., Apr 19 (B-day) - Light and Optics 2 - and no TAKS. Refraction notes in the notes page, if you didn't pick them up. Yeah! Go the the Light and Optics Links for real pictures of the convex and concave lenses and mirrors AND for a color app, especially if you missed class. Due Thurs., Apr 14 (A-day), and Fri., Apr 15 (B-day) - Light and Optics 1 (Let's just use last year's) and finish the TAKS packet. . You were given notes in class. Remember: you need to have your Thermo test corrected and TAKS test worked by Friday if you want those 15 points! Harmonic Motion - Study Session is Mon at 5:30 p.m. No homework. Suggestions: read the book Ch 12 and 13 (skip the equations for strings and pipes). Also you could look at this final homework from last year. Key is included. And the homework keys are in the notes page. Due Fri., Apr 8 (A-day), and Mon., Apr 11 (B-day) - Harmonic Motion 5 - Do TAKS Days 22 and 26. NOTE: we made copies of all of the rest of the TAKS sheets. Come and get them. ALSO: since this objective is physics, try doing all of the problems without looking at the notes, first. 5 POINTS ON A TEST FOR THIS 6TH WEEKS for you to come in on your time and work a science TAKS test. It gets you prepared and gets you some points! Due Wed., Apr 6 (A-day), and Thurs., Apr 7 (B-day) - Harmonic Motion 4 - Do TAKS day 21 (Acids and Bases) | Remember that the "Harmonics on Strings and Pipes" is due also (redo). Key p1 | p2 | p3 | and here are more examples. Due Mon., Apr 4 (A-day), and Tues., Apr 5 (B-day) - Harmonics on Strings and Pipes and Do TAKS Day 21B -Body Systems. I updated the hints at the end of the homework. If you don't want to reprint. Here is just the asterisk hints. The homework was passed out in class. If you didn't get it, come early. Give yourself at least 45 minutes. Due Thurs., Mar 31 (A-day), and Fri., Apr 1 (B-day) - Harmonic Motion 3 - and no TAKS today. Quiz over Pendulum and Springs Labs. Quiz over Harmonic Motion Basics. Quiz over disambiguative distortive harmonics. Due Tues., Mar 29 (A-day), and Wed., Mar 30 (B-day) - Harmonic Motion 2 and TAKS Days 19 and 20 Due Fri, Mar 25 (A-day), and Mon., Mar 28 (B-day) - Harmonic Motion 1 and so TAKS Days 17 and 18 Heat and Thermo - Study Session Monday at 5:30 - spread the word. Due Mon, Mar 21 (A-day), and Tues., Mar 22 (B-day) - Thermo 4 and do TAKS day 16. Due Thurs, Mar 10 (A-day), and Fri., Mar 11 (B-day) - Thermo 3 and do TAKS day 15 Due Tues., Mar 8 (A-day), and Wed., Mar 9 (B-day) - See notes page Due Fri., Mar 4 (A-day), and Mon., Mar 7 (B-day) - 1. Finish the "Advanced Heat" worksheet (key in notes page) | 2. Do Temperature Graphs (key included) | 3. Do TAKS Day 12 and 13 (go to notes page) Due Wed., Mar 2 (A-day), and Thurs, Mar 3 (B-day) - Heat 1 (With some answers) and do TAKS Day 11 (see notes page). Key to the worksheets are in the notes page. All of nothing quiz next time. We expect you to be able to do the total heat and use the heat and latent heat equations. Due Fri., 2/24 (A-day), and Mon., 2/28 (B-day), - You were given these notes in class: Thermodynamic; Heat; Latent Heat. Also do TAKS 9 and 10. Here are some helps for a couple of Heat and Latent Heat questions. Electric Circuits: Test Wed/Thurs. Study Session Tues. Due Fri., 2/18 (A-day), and Tues., 2/22 - 1) Do the "Electrical Power" page you got in class (the notes page has a blank and a key). 2) Do "PreAP Circuits 2" Key in notes page. 3) Do TAKS DAY 8 (go to PreAP Notes page above) Due Wed., 2/16 (A-day), and Thurs., 2/17 (B-day) - see notes page above OPEN LAB TIME: Mon and Tues 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is better than a study session. Get the labs done and ask questions. Would even be a great time to REDO labs. The labs are essential for this chapter. Due Mon., 2/14 (A-day) and Tues., 2/15 (B-day) - see notes page above. Electrostatics: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!. :( OK - this is getting frustrating. If we have school Thurs/Fri, we will do the test and SOMEHOW we will get back on track. Check back later today (Wed, Feb 9) and I'll post some additional materials. If you bombed the quiz (if you felt it was hard), come see me BEFORE THE TEST to redo it. Once again, I put something in the notes section for you to study with. You will be expected to have 2 homeworks done by Mon/Tues. The homeworks will be given out in class, copies (and keys) in the notes page. Due Tues., Feb 8 (A-day), and Wed., Feb 9 (B-day) Do TAKS Day 5. You were given this in class. (Check notes page, if you can't find it.) Studying for the Test: Start with These Notes and Practice. Also, more in the notes section above. Due Mon., Jan 31 (A-day), and Tues., Feb 1 (B-day) - Electrostatics 8. You should have TAKS Day 4, already. Mrs. Bauman and I also made this capacitor video. Due Thurs., Jan 27 (A-day), and Fri., Jan 28 (B-day) - See notes page. You should have picked up TAKS Days 4 and 5 in class. Due Tues., Jan 25 (A-day), and Wed., Jan 26 (B-day) - Electrostatics 6 and TAKS Day 2 - please read these notes for the TAKS HW. (I have some copies of the TAKS Day 2 worksheets and notes) Due Fri., Jan 21 (A-day), and Mon., Jan 24 (B-day) - Electrostatics 5 and TAKS Day 1 - Key and worksheet from class is in the notes page. Due Wed., Jan 19 (A-day), and Thurs., Jan 20 (B-day) - Electrostatics 4 COVER THE PAGE when you print it. The answers are all there on the right side of the page. Your job is to learn the material and show how you calculate all answers! Check out the videos in the notes page. Final Review. Here is the Regular Physics Fall Final Review. Here's the Key. Here's the PreAP Fall Final Review with Key; I'm working on the key. These two reviews do not contain ALL of the information that is on the test. You should reread the notes and relook at the homeworks for a comprehensive overview of the fall information. Fri., Jan 7 (B-day) and Mon, Jan 10 (A-day) - Electrostatics 3 . Check in the notes section. Wed., Jan 5 (B-day) and Thurs., Jan 6 (A-day) - Electrostatics 2 Mon, Jan 3 (B-day) and Tues., Jan 4 (A-day) - Electrostatics 1. Notes are included. Shouldn't take long (Merry Christmas!). I would prefer you work on it just before you get back, so the information is fresh. Have a good break! Momentum Tues., Dec 14 (B-day), and Wed., Dec 15 (A-day) Momentum 4 I put a blank copy of the practice problems in the notes page. Quiz next time. Test Thurs/Fri. NOTE: I fixed the answer for question: 4A. Fri., Dec 10 (B-day) and Mon., Dec 13 (A-day) Momentum 3 Wed., Dec 8 (B-day) and Thurs., Dec 9 (A-day) Momentum 2. All or nothing quiz! Study. Mon., Dec 6 (B-day) and Tues., Dec 7 (A-day) Momentum 1 You were given notes in class. Energy Tues., Nov 30 (B-day) and Wed., Dec 1 (A-day) Energy 5 (NOTE: I had to adjust Q3 so that it makes sense. I changed the distance to 5m) Fri., Nov 19 (B-day) and Mon., Nov 29 (A-day) Energy 4 Wed., Nov 17 (B-day) and Thurs., Nov 18 (A-day) Energy 3. Notes and answers from class in the notes page. Mon., Nov 15 (B-day) and Tues., Nov 16 (A-day) Energy 2. Hmmmm.... might be an all or nothing test over the basics. You should be able to identify and calculate potential energy, kinetic energy, elastic energy, and work. Thurs., Nov 11 (B-day) and Fri., Nov 12 (A-day) Energy 1 (Still working on retesting projectile motion? Here's a new quiz for the motion graphs.) Forces FORCES TEST Tues (11/9) and Wed (11/10) | STUDY SESSION Monday (11/8) at 6:30 p.m. | I am trying to find time for more examples, but please note the "Notes and Examples" above and the "Study Helps". Here is the Regular Physics Review from last year with key. Fri., Nov 5 (B-day), and Mon., Nov 8 (A-day). Forces 6 There are lots of asterisks, which means we should have to answer questions about them. I fixed the wrong answer for Q10. Also look at this: Angled Forces Walk Thru Wed., Nov 3 (B-day) and Thurs., Nov 4 (A-day) - Forces 5 Mon., Nov 1 (B-day) and Tues., Nov 2 (A-day) - Forces 4 Thurs., Oct 28 (B-day), and Fri., Oct 29 (A-day) - Forces 3 Tues., Oct 26 (B-day), and Wed., Oct 27 (A-day) - Forces 2 Fri., Oct 22 (B-day), and Mon., Oct 25 (A-day) - Forces 1 | You were given notes in class. Two Dimensional Motion Review for Test we did in class. HELP! - So, you need help with vectors or projectiles. There are study helps and notes. TWO NEW THINGS: 1) Here are "More Practice Questions than You Can Shake a Stick At" (also on the notes page); 2) Study Session next Thurs, 6:30 p.m. in Mr. Murray's room. Be there or be trapezoidal . Thurs., Oct 14 (B-day), and Fri., Oct 15 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 7 Fri., Oct 8 (B-day), and Wed., Oct 13 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 6 - And you have to practice the basic projectile motion questions: ground-to-ground; horizontally launched; how high. The practice problems and key is in the notes section. Wed., Oct 6 (B-day), and Thurs., Oct 7 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 5 - Quiz next time on vectors. Due Mon., Oct 4 (B-day), and Tues., Oct. 5 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 4 [p2 done]). The walk thru for graphically adding vectors and the practice worksheet for the next quiz are in the PreAP notes section above. Due Thurs., Sept 30 (B-day) and Fri., Oct 1 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 3 | Notice the new link to the PreAP notes page above. Due Tues., Sept 28 (B-day) and Wed., Sept 29 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 2 | You should have gotten notes on vectors and projectile motion in class. OR go to the notes page here. Due Fri., Sept 24 (B-day) and Mon., Sept 27 (A-day) - Two Dimensional Motion 1 Linear Motion Test on Tues and Wed. Study your notes. Read your book. There are study helps for Sig Figs, Freefall, Kinematics, and Slope. If you want help with Simultaneous Kinematic Equations see One Dimensional Motion notes in the "Notes and Examples" section above. Due Fri., 9/17, and Mon., 9/20 - Linear Motion 9. Notes for Simultaneous Kinematic Equations is on the notes page: here. Due Wed., 9/15, and Thurs., 9/16 - Linear Motion 8 Due Mon., 9/13, and Tues., 9/14 - Linear Motion 7 - Quiz next time over kinematic equations and average velocity. Read the notes, rework homeworks, or see the examples above. Due Thurs., 9/9, and Fri., 9/10 - Linear Motion 6 Due Tues, 9/7, and Wed., 9/8 - Linear Motion 5 Due Thurs., 9/2, and Fri., 9/3 - Linear Motion 4 - Again, come, study and retest the Math Review FAST or I will have to take drastic measures ([cue mad scientist laugh:] "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha") Due Tues., 8/31 and Wed, 9/1 - Linear Motion 3 and How to Straighten Graphs Due Fri., 8/27 and Mon., 8/30 - Linear Motion 2 Due Wed. 8/25 and Thurs. 8/26 - Linear Motion 1