PreAP: Due Wed, 8/27, and Thursday 8/28
1) Sign and Return your Data Info Sheet
2) Sign and Return the Class Rules and Safety Sheet
3) Bring a calculator to class (from now on). It doesn't have to be a graphing calculator, but does need to have sin, cos, and tan. I like the TI-30 solar. Costs about $14.00.
4) Graph the two sets of data given to you in class. B-day, I'm sorry. I forgot to give the data. Here's the data. Remember that the x-axis is the independent variable OR the one you manipulate. The y-axis is dependent or the one that responds. So that we all don't do the same graphs. Last names A-C do the graphs 2 and 3; Last names F-L do graphs 2 and 4; last names P-Z do graphs 3 and 4.
Oh, and please tell others that you know where to get the data. Thanks.
5) Do this learning sheet: "How to Straighten Graphs". This one of my "learn by doing" sheets.
6) Do this homework: "PreAP Due: Wed, 8/27, and Thursday 8/28"