Applet not working? You may not have the right Java Runtime Environment.

To download from Java click here (see below if you are working with a CD of the website or a protected computer).

Part way down look for "Java Runtime Environment (JRE)". Click on either the Windows link or the other (if running a different operating system). Follow the instructions.

You shouldn't have to reboot.

Can take a while if you have a slow connection.


If you are working from the CD of the website - click here.

If you are working from a protected computer (with Deep Freeze or the like) -

Since the Java Runtime Environment does not require rebooting the computer, you can simply download it, but this may take a long time. Instead I suggest downloading it and keeping it on a CD or a USB drive, loading it onto the computer (or computers) and leaving the computer on for the whole day, so you don't have to load it again. A longterm fix would be to have you computer image (your computer harddrive) include the Java Runtime Environment. You may have to talk to your computer people to do this.