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-- "You're a radical dude." -- "The chemistry between us is just fantastic." -- "Hmm, I never factored that into the equation." |
Please Note: Sulan Dun's website is presently offline. However, we greatly appreciate Sulan's hard work on the "Chem Balancer" and allowing public school's to use it! Please check back to see if the following links become active again in the future.
Look up your Chinese Horoscope at http://www.dun.org/sulan/horoscope. Are you a monkey, rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, or sheep? Enter your birthdate and learn your destiny.
Make your own 5 question interactive multiple-choice quiz at http://www.dun.org/sulan/homepage_generator - This is a free quiz maker. With it, you can choose from one of eight looks to make a professional looking, interactive five question quiz for your homepage. You don't have to know any HTML or programming. Just fill in the blanks, click a button, and save it - all the styles and script are autogenerated for you. Then put your quiz up on your homepage. It's fun - you can ask visitors questions about yourself, or whatever topic your site is about (sports, favorite movies, etc.). Teacher note: the resulting .htm quiz also works locally - you can make little self-test quizzes, then save them on the local network for students to play.
More teaching-related stuff - see the density lesson plan at http://www.dun.org/sulan/ideas/density.htm and the New teacher survivial guide at http://www.dun.org/sulan/teacher
Return to the author's homepage at http://www.dun.org/sulan