to Chembalancer! |
2 Cu |
+ |
1 O2 |
2 Cu-0 |
Cu |
Cu-0 |
Cu |
O-O |
Cu-0 |
| |
| |
(Please note:This version of the "Chem Balancer" is only for those
that do not have web access and need to practice on the CD.)
This is a copy of a little online game at http://funbasedlearning.com/chemistry/chembalancer/default.htm
to teach balancing equations. You type numbers in front of each molecule until
there are the same number of atoms on both sides of the equation, then click
the 'Balanced' button.
- When I had orginally written this as a little VB program it worked really
well (ie. all my grade 9 students understood how to balance equations in an
hour). In the follow up class, everyone was able to balance equations using
pencil and paper ... they just drew diagrams using the same heuristic they had
learned playing the game. Here it is a a webpage (no .exe to install) - it
works with both Internet Explorer and Navigator. Click the 'Start Game' button
to start playing.
- Here is the
worksheet to go with the game. I wrote the worksheet using Word 2000, so
if you have Word 2000 you can just pick File, Open and locate the file
"worksheet.htm" if you want to save a copy to make changes to.