Guatemala - 2012

Day 14 - Tues, July 10

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We decided to go to Monterico on Tues. Juanito couldn't go, so it was only Conchita and I. Just like with the volcano, she had never been to Monterico.

Here is Volcan de Fuego (fire). One of the passengers noticed it erupting. Fortunately the driver was flexible enough to stop for quick pictures. I have never seen it erupt before.


Not sure what that hill's formation is called. Those are not trees on its left slope.

One of the volcanos near Antigua from a long way off.



First toll bridge I have seen in Guatemala.


As we are going over the bridge I could see ocean waves in the distance, so we were close to the ocean, but it still took almost an hour to get to Monterico. We must have been paralleling the coast.

The van dropped us off at this hotel: Hotel El Delphin (Dolphin). We had lunch for about $10. We didn't see any reason to go anywhere else.


Here we are walking with our Mangrove tour guide. Notice the little pig.


In the distance you can see someone on another boat. They are net fishing.


The river is also for commerce, including shipping cars.

I thought this was just junk floating in the water...but....



It was being used as float for a fishing net. This one had caught a small crab.


You can see behind me the mangroves.

This is Conchita's first trip to Monterico and the mangroves. It was very interesting to see her reactions INCLUDING because she is Guatemalan and doesn't really know her own country.


An abandoned village.


Don't know why I didn't get out.

This is "Quadrojo" - four eyes. The fish floats with its eyes above the water. The reflection makes for two more eyes, for a total of 4. When disturbed, the fish skips across the water to escape. I have a video of it I will try to link.


Boy, Conchita just got involved quickly.

And climbing, too.


The mangroves put down runners from the branches which end up able to soak up water, too. Here the main trunk has decayed away and the branches have taken over.

That's a termite mound behind her.


Weaver bird nest.

Back in town we stop for a coconut water. Conchita likes coconut water, but I didn't care for it. Maybe it wasn't a good one.


This "mall" looking walkway led to the water. It was also deceptive, too, since some of the shops were in bad repair or not done yet.


Not sure the last time she was at the beach.


Here is one of the hotel's dogs enjoying the waves and the sand.



Relaxing at the hotel and waiting for the van.


Here is the driver. He drives to Monterico each day, spends the day at the hotel and at the beach, and drives back at night. Part of that is good duty.


OK - this is interesting. One of the other passengers was from Denmark. When I was in high school I went to Denmark and the Danes would try to get us to say a particular Danish phrase which translates into strawberries and cream. Thinking I was badly butchering the phrase (and from 20 years ago) I was shocked when she knew the phrase. I was actually close.

Click on the picture for a video of me trying to say the phrase.

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