Guatemala - 2012

Day 8 - Wed, July 4
Calvareo and Ni Fun, Ni Fa

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Mostly worked all morning, but did get to go to one place.

At the start of lunch break (12 - 2) the 4 yr old son of the family that lives in the house at the front of the property was with Maria Elsa and wanted "Juegos" (games). I was trying to work, but he was going to have none of it. He kept asking for help, even though I really didn't know what games he could play. The free ones I found were too advanced for him. Even easy ones that only used the direction arrows, he struggled with. Finally he found one he knew and when he asked for more help, I learned to say "click" (same in Spanish), so he would learn to try on his own. Did eventually got it, I think.


I was very impressed with the lunch: grilled cheese. But instead of bread she used Whiskil, a type of squash. Two slices of squash, cheese, and some egg made for a wonderful grilled cheese.


Chichicaste. The plant that gives the name of Chichicastenango. It is fine to touch with your fingers, but not on the rest your skin. Apparently it burns. Here it is planted as a fence. The plant deters trespassers and robbers.


Calvareo: Calvary. This is the church at the end of the Paseo de la Cruz: the walk of the cross. All Catholic churches have the stations of the cross, which follows Jesus on his final day. In Antigua the main Catholic Church, San Francisco, has stations of the cross that cross from the main church to here, the edge of Antigua.




Once of the final stations.


It is very peaceful and beautiful here.



The altar.

The right side altar and the most famous in Antigua. This "Pieta" (the pity) is the most beautiful in the city and the end of the Stations.


Part of the gardens around the church. I didn't see anything going on and asked Hugo if this has a big congregation. It took awhile to discern that it is a part of San Francisco, which maintains it. It is not a congregation on its own.


This is supposedly the oldest tree in town, planted in 1657. It is a Esquisuchil tree.

Click on the picture for a close up of the marker.


Outside the church is the road on the way to San Francisco. And in the far distance is the Hill of the Cross on the other side of Antigua.

Click picture for closer view.

On our way to San Francisco is another station. Apparently they is an alter or small "chapel" inside. But it is locked most of the year.


A small ruined church along the way.

And finally back to the School of Christ from Friday.


This was the last night for the parents of one of the students here at Maria Elsa's place. They wanted to treat the family to dinner, including me, since I was helping the girls adjust.


On the left is Jan and Ariel. The Guatemalans wanted to sit so they could see the soccer game. Even though it was just indoor soccer, it was Guatemala vs US.

The food here is very good, but since I can get a steak in Texas anytime, I always want something different. Every time I asked the waiter for something very Argentinian he pointed to another steak. I ended up with ravioli with cheese and mushroom. It was OK. I also liked that it wasn't big, since I am trying to eat less here.

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