Guatemala - 2011

Day 21 - Aug 1 - San Juan and Goodbyes

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In the morning I went to Yoli's office one final time to be sure my trip to the airport is all set. She said that the driver wanted to leave earlier, around 5:30 to avoid traffic. Also while I was in Yoli's office I transfered a number of freeware computer programs to her laptop, including antivirus software.

Lunch was a bit late because the school gave Maria Elsa a new student with a different schedule at the last minute. So she doesn't have lunch ready. She is working as fast as she can and unfortunately the ladies want to help, which, as is often the case, they are helping, but slowing her down.


After lunch Hugo and I go to San Juan del Obispo (Saint John of the Bishop) to buy chocolate. I invite the ladies to go with us. Imelda doesn't trust me that it is going to be vale la pena (worth the trouble). She hasn't been to the convent before, but I have. She quickly changes her mind.


Even though we could probably buy chocolate around the corner at the manufacturer for a bit less, we elect to purchase it here and support the nuns.


I made a copy of this picture for Maria Elsa. You can do all this in Antigua now. It's a lot like home.


Maria Elsa made dinner for the ladies, but she and Conchita wanted to take me out one more time. They wanted to go to the place "mas tipico", more typical, or local. It is down 1st avenue, I found out. They wanted to pay as a gift and since I was almost out of the money I brought, but I would have none of that. Especially since this meal is only around Q35 for all three of us ($5).

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