Guatemala - 2011

Days 15/16 - July 26/27- Antigua, Otra Vez (again)

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I slept better on the bus that night because I was by the window. Still a night on a bus can't be as good as a bed, so I was tired come morning, but decided to continue with lessons anyway. Hugo was right on time, as usual (actually, he's usually 10 minutes early).


Actually, I didn't take any pictures this day, except this one. When I got to the house Maria Elsa was moving my things to my old room at the end of the hall (#4). Since there were only 3 rooms needed right now, Claudia wanted her room back, of course. If I had known, I would have packed up and they could have just stored my things for the week I was gone. They waited to move me until the room was free, again.

I don't remember what day I did this, but one day I was in Yoli's office and her office mate was trying to make a program for a memorial service. She wanted it to fold into a card, which requires either an advanced computer program (like Publisher) or putting the paper thru multiple times (since part of the printing is upside down). I fought with her with Microsoft Word for quite a while until we got it. Then I found out she had Publisher and I did the same card in a couple of quick minutes, most of which was doing simple checking of the actual text. She was very impressed. Their computer knowledge is very limited.


Remember the hotel Santa Domingo? It was the one with basic rooms starting at $235/night. Well this gentleman owns a hill. Yes, his own hill, which he proportedly bought for 1 million Quetzales. It is just on the edge of Antigua.

Here Hugo and I drive up the very well maintained road. There is also art all the way up.

At the top is a resturant called "El Tenedor del Cerro" (The fork of the hill). Hugo says it is not that expensive. I am dubious.

A picture from the top. Look at the very center. That's a camouflaged cell tower (see picture at right). They were not allowed to put up a normal cell tower due to Antigua's conservation ordinances. So they tried to make it look like a tree.


A chapel.


Some of the art. I enjoyed watching the retired art teacher enjoy the art.


They were preparing for a festival that began the next day. It was not open to the public, of course. Some of the speakers were American. One was from Google. It seems this is just a business conference.



Lots of little blue tiles.

An aviary.


The view from the top. Click for larger view.

Hugo and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what we were looking at. I was the first to recognize 7th street due to one of the churches.


Closer view of La Merced, which is the large Catholic Church at the north end of Antigua.


We found one of the younger chefs picking basil in their herb garden.

A fountain.


Hugo showing where they would do laundry.


And look what else happened while I was gone.

Next page - Macadamia Farm

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