Guatemala - 2010

Day 07 - July 26 - New Teacher

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I have met my new teacher and he seems nice enough. He says he's been teaching here for many years. I'm looking forward to him and having something to do in the afternoons.

Maria making me work hard while we are on the roof. She actually picked up the stick on her own and was gesticulating with it while she taught me "gusta (to like)". She was a bit mad at me for capturing this picture, since she didn't have time to "prep" for the picture.


An edible fruit called Nispera. It will turn yellow. It is supposed to be very sweet. This tree is growing near the house.

The public lavantaria: clothes washing basins. I am told that all cities and towns have one of these because most persons didn't have water in their houses. In Antigua people have running water and it is only used by the poor and the indigenous.


Motorcycles are everywhere and a very easy way to travel around.

The other vehicle is a Tuctuc: a motorized ricshaw. Some people say don't ride them. Maria said they can tip over.

They are new to me because they weren't here last time.

OK - I wanted this shot because when Maria spend much of our time talking and walking. Very quickly our method because her on the sidewalk and me on the street. This way I don't hurt my neck talking to her.



I thought this was funny. It is near the washing pool. It is the first time I have looked up to her.

Maria's nickname is Conchita (I think it is a small conch shell). I have noticed that whenever people mention her they say "Conchita" and put their hand low to show how short she is. What I find funny about this is most of them are much more than an inch or two higher.


Maria forgot her sombrilla (compact umbrella) at the resturant. We went and asked if they found it, but it was gone.

So I took her to the Mercado to buy her another one. Even though I've bought things at the Mercado, I don't know how to do it right. It was instructional to see this.

The first sombrilla was Q35, but she talked them down to Q25 by saying "25?" over and over with almost a sad tone. Eventually he took 30. Now, think about that: she only makes Q200 PER MONTH and a cheap sombrilla is Q25, which is 1/8 of her entire salary. !!! And for me it is only $3US. !!!

I got her one a that was more durable and just slightly better for Q50 ($6).

Here she is showing her favorite movie (Beauty and the Beast) at the DVD booth. OK, let me be more specific: at the pirated DVD booth. There were also pirated copies of windows and other programs. A DVD movie costs Q15 ($2US).

The Cafe Contesa in next to the central park. The cafe is known for its two or three fountains. This one is a mermaid with the water coming out of her breasts.


OK - here he is, my new maestro (teacher): Hugo. Turns out that Hugo is famous. Everywhere we go (the bank, along the streets, stores, everywhere) people know him. In the bank the teller knew him and a lady behind us in the line and a young customer came over to say hi. Hugo used to be the night art teacher at the community college. During the day he teaches Spanish to foreigners.

Here we are drinking Jaimaica at the Cafe Contesa. It is almost as good as at Casa Escobar, but half the price (Q12 [$1.50US]).

Next page - July 27, Guatemala City

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