The River Rhine 2009

Day 5 - Aug 06 - Heidelberg

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We sailed thru the night to Manneheim, Germany, a city of invention. Mannheim was the birthplace of the bicycle (no pedals), the farm tractor, and the automobile (by a man named "Benz"). They were quick to point out that Henry Ford was only the first to make a production car.

We took tour buses to Heidelberg.

Click on each image to see Viking's information of the day.

The castle of Heidelberg, which Denece and I visited on our trip to Germany.


The insides of the castle. The fancy building right in front of us was rebuilt by the first Kaiser. It is one of the few buildings that are habitable.

Also, notice the trucks. There are plays held inside the castle.

The large wine vat. It is in the Guiness Book of World's Records as the larges wine vat that has ever actually been filled. It was filled 3 or 4 times with 50,000 gallons of wine. That is Dad and I standing on the top.


This footprint is supposed to be from a knight that jumped from the room of a maid he was seeing.

A view of Heidelberg from the castle.


The column of the bridge has high water marks from floods for the last few centuries. One of the highest was in the 1990s. Click on the picture for a closer view.

A town square in Heidelberg.That is the same castle at the upper left.


The flowers are on the town hall. They are Geraniums and have an automatic watering system.

I always stop for a pastry or something. The circle pastry just to the left of the boy's arm has Johannesberre (John's berry), which is a bit sweater than a cranberry. We also had part of a Apricot pastry. These were too big, fortunately one other couple was willing to share part of it with us.


A Catholic church we stumbled upon.
We were fortunate to hear the end the organinst practicing.

Next page - Rudesheim

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