The River Rhine 2009

Day 1 - Aug 02 - to Basel, Switzerland

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Of course, the first day is always about getting to the start. The last couple of weeks in Texas have been very strange for summer time: cool (for Texas) and rain. Most of this week we've had storms. I was a bit surprised that there were no storm delays.

Dad is flying from Spokane, WA, so I won't meet up with him until I get to the boat. I'm flying Lufthansa, the national airline of Germany. Lufthansa has a very good reputation and lived up to it admirably. We had two real meals that were very good, especially for airline food. When I used a little bit of the Germany I've been learning, one of the flight attendants talked only in German to me, teaching me along the way. She thought I knew more than I do, because I used my limited Germany choicely and correctly.

The only "problem" was the entertainment system on board. Each seat had its own screen with many different movies, etc. Sadly, I watched two movies ("The Tale of Desperaux" [just OK] and "Star Trek") when I should have been sleeping. Although, in retrospect, my attempt at sleeping the last 4 hours was meager at best.

Click on the image to see Viking's information of the day (the files is big, but that's so it is easier to open).


Frankfurt Airport.

They moved us to the terminal with buses. At the enterance there was a mob. People of every country and language trying to figure out the new airport. Everyone managed better than I would have thought.

Just a food store in the terminal. I took this picture because of what they were selling. Right in front of the two girls at the right is a bunch of lettuce. They also had fresh fruit, cups of yogurt and fruit (several varieties), and different sandwhiches on strange bread. There's no Wonderbread here. Yea!

As I wandered around the terminal for exercise I finally was struck that there was no background "noise" - the incessant, mind-filling background music we are bombarded with in the United States everywhere we go. How marvelous to be able to think in peace. Also, imagine how nice this is for anyone trying to take a nap (a near impossibility in an American Airport).

(I have a bigger picture, but with as slow as the on board internet is, I will have keep to very small photos, unless I find a fast internet cafe.)





So, I had some goulash, which seems to be a kind of tomato-based soup or stew.

It was very tasty. They let me pay in dollars: $10.40, to be exact. That's compound expensive: Germany and Airport food!

The next flight took me to Basel, Switzerland. The airport is actually in France, I believe. In the airport your exit chooses your country: Germany; Switzerland; France. Basel is out the Swiss exit, of course.

River Cruise passengers are met by a cruise representative. I was a bit surprised that for only 9 passengers, they had a full bus. I'm in one of the lobbies, right now updating the website, obviously, and waiting for my father, who will arrive in a few hours.




Here's my first view of the ship. WOW! It is a lot bigger than I expected (that's all one ship in the picture). As a backpacker it is also a lot more plush than I am used to. I'll manage!

I'd like to show you more pictures of the inside of the ship, but with the slow internet, it is better to just give you the link to their pictures. Our stateroom is on the bottom level (economy, of course). :)

More information about the Viking Sun is here on their website.


Swans near the dock.


Hmmm - Yup - everywhere.

I got bored on board, so I went a wandering. I was gone about 1.5 hours. It wasn't spectacular, but I had a nice walk. Even got a bit wet, even with my umbrella.

Basel is on the corner of Switzerland. This church just across the Rhine is in France. Germany is to the right.


I stumbled upon this tram station, which is, I think, the "end of the line".

I saw several people walking dogs and NONE of them using leashes. The dogs would just walk next to their humans.



Found this little church during my wanderings. Turns out to be one of the only Catholic churches in Basel.


Dinner. The two couples at the left are from Florida. Dad is closest on the right. The couple closest to Dad are from near Boise, ID. The two at the far end are from L'Grand, Oregon (near the NE corner of Oregon).

Dinner was exactly like I have at home all the time.

OK - no lightening. So, away, it was good food. Appetizer, soup, main dish, and dessert, but small portions of each.


Next page - Basel

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