Hints for Momentum 4 - Please read these or print these.

Q1G and H - Remember that impulse = a change of momentum.

Q1J - Remember that impulse = Ft = change of momentum.

Q1JJ or K) Use conservation of Energy NOT momentum: Ebefore + or - Work = Eafter.
Ask yourself - what kind of energy before? What kind of energy afterwards? Is energy added (+W) or subtracted (-W). Then solve. Go back to the notes "Conservation of Energy" and follow the steps. You will find out that this problem is actually very easy.

Q2 - ANYTIME there is a collision or object pushing off or being launched or thrown - use Conservation of Momentum.

Q5 - The graph shows impulse. Use the notes "Collisions and Impulse Graphs". You should know how to find the area of the graph. Study the notes. Once you have the area, then that equals Impulse. Use conservation of momentum: Pb + or - I = Pa.

Q12 - Should be relatively easy - use a kinematic equation.

Momentum 4 homework is here.