2008 What to Study for PreAP Harmonic Motion Test

1) READ, READ, READ! (Obviously.) Remember that Mr. Parson's tests come from the book. If you know EVERYTHING in the book you are in great shaper. Everything means text AND graphics.

2) Most of you had trouble on the quiz with the idea of a closed pipe vs. open pipe. There are two different equations for harmonic frequency given length. You MUST know which to use for which situation. It is actually quite simple. Don't mess this up!!! I will give you the two equations, but not label them! You'll have to know them apart!

3) There are 3 or so questions about reading equations. This is what we talked about last semester: "If _____ is doubled, how does _____ change?" There was one question on the quiz that you could have anwered VERY quickly this way, but you al chose to calculate (and, as a result, most of you missed).

4) There are two questions about labs.

I'll be there tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. You can come in and ask questions, but don't come in and ask me to teach both chapters.