PreAP Due Mon, 2/11
1) In Chapter 10—
Make sure you understand Figure 12-7 at the bottom of p 444.
Make sure you understand the two types of waves: transverse and longitudinal.
Make sure you understand Figure 12-15 on p. 455.
Read the section on standing waves (p. 463-464).
In figure 12-22: All of the shown patterns are on the same string (just like we saw in Parson's class). If the top harmonic (H1 [also known as the fundamental or natural frequency]) is 15 Hz, then the second harmonic (H 2 ) would be 30 Hz, etc. The frequency of any harmonic is the number of antinodes times the frequency of the fundamental. Be sure to study figure 12-23 on p. 465.
2) Do the harmonics worksheet I gave you. If you lost your copy go here: Labeling Harmonics. It should take you just a couple of minutes.
3) Read the following chapter on Sound.
4) Do this homework. It is Socratic SOOOOO, if you don't do it yourself, you won't understand. I'm not going to lecture on this, so you are going to have to learn it this way.
And I don't remember, but I think the mouse trap cars are due this Friday. We'll check on Monday.