What to study for the Fall Semester Final
1) You will be given this Equation Sheet. You should be VERY familiar with every equation and every variable, including units, definitions, and applications. If you are unfamiliar with any of the equation - familiarize yourself!
2) Read the book. Amazing how much information you can glean from the book!
3) Work the problems in the Teacher Notes section. Work the problems, don't just look at them. You will have to solve a lot of problems on the test, most of which are just plug and chug IF you know what you are doing.
4) Use the Study Helps to understand basics, but don't rely on the them solely. This test is way above the study helps. They're good for basics (even a bit more than basics) but not enough to completely conquer this test.
5) Don't freak out! This test is basic: much easier than the tests, but it does require that you know ALL of the information from this semester. Don't take it lightly, but don't freak out.
6) OK, I don't have a #6.....