Due Mon., 9/25 - More Adding Vectors and Relative Motion

Fight through the homework that was due on Thurs.

Additional Problems: Ch 3 Q26, 29

Try these (they are NOT that hard):

1) A rocket is fired 35 degrees above the horizon. It accelerates 3 m/s2 for 15 seconds.
A) How much altitude does it gain during this time?
(HINTS: 1. If it is on the ground to begin with and the engines start, you know its initial velocity. 2. Use your kinematics at 35 degrees, then apply your trig to get the altitude.)
B) How fast is it going at the end of the 15 seconds?


In the above diagram, give 3 possible ways to make the resultant (R). (You may use negatives of vectors.)

3) A plane traveling 150 m/s at 60 degrees encounters a wind going 50 m/s at 110 degrees. Find the plane's resulting velocity. (Just add vectors.)

4) A boat is trying to cross a river. The boat's engines give a maximum speed of 6 m/s. The captain aims straight across the river (north). The river has a current going 4 m/s perpendicular to the boat to the left.
A) Can the boat get to a point directly across the river while pointing straight north?
B) What will be the boat's actual velocity in the river (magnitude and direction)?
C) If the river is 350 meters wide, how long does it take the boat to get across?
D) How far down the river does the boat get pushed (relative to the land)?
(NONE of this is beyond what you have learned. Draw it; think about it; make triangles; use your vector basics.)