Due 9/28
1) Do the previous book work REALLY WELL! No excuses! Next time, I'm reading thru the answers and taking off points - no completion grades! If you don't understand, you'd better come see me!
2) Do the next online homework 7.
Here is the great rule: Life is good horizontally (x) and vertically (y). If a vector EVER moves at an angle you MUST resolve it into x and y components. You must learn to LOVE x and y-ville!
If you have 2 vectors that need to be added together here are the rules:
Step 1: Resolve all vectors into their x and y components! (If they are vertical or horizontal - step 1 is already done.) Be sure all angles are from the positive x axis (the online homework gives some negative angles, but they are from the positive x axis - no problem!)
Step 2: Find total x and total y. (Add together all x and y components keeping track of negatives.)
Step 3: Using total x and total y - use pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse (the resultant's magnitude) and inverse tangent to find the angle.
Happy vectors to you. (Hint - there are teacher notes available.)
When the online homework asks for displacement - that's the magnitude.