PreAP Due Wed 10/17/07

1) Online homework #9 is extended. Get it done. You should have no excuses after class today. (Hint on #10 - give the absolute value for the angle. Hint on #15 - Remember that the time given is for BETWEEN the position marks. Also, I suggest you do NOT start with zero. Start with the first position mark.)

2) Graph the projectile vs. angle lab. Everyone must make a graph, but I will grade only the top graph. The graph should have your manipulated variable on the x-axis and responsive variable on the y-axis.

3) Using the range you found at 40 degrees (from the above graph) you can find the muzzle velocity (V) of the projectile when it left the launcher. How? Work the whole problem using only variables (V, theta, etc) and you will make an equation for range. Put in range (x) and angle (40 degrees) and solve for V. (It's actually quite easy. Don't let the use of variables and no numbers throw you.)