PreAP: Due Fri, 9/5, and Mon, 9/8

1) FOR THE LAST TIME, you need to turn in 2 graphs (of the curved data). They should be corrected. Any mistakes or problems will this time be counted off. Straighten 1 of these 2. Here's the data. : "How to Straighten Graphs". Key p1; Key p2;
blank graph paper here.

2) With your straightened graph, calculate the slope by circling 2 good points, showing rise and run, and calculating slope ON THE GRAPH. If I have to search for the slope you lose points.

2) Do this homework: "Due Fri, 9/5, and Mon, 9/8"

3) Use these procedures to sign up for the UTA homework site. MAKE SURE that the address in step #2 must be typed in - DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK or it will redirect you, again. If you have trouble COME SEE ME. I am going to give some online homework soon. If you are not signed up, you will not be able to do the homework and will receive a zero. You have been warned.