PreAP 2008 Due 9/15 and 9/16

1) OK if you haven't signed up for the UTA homework site. (Instructions)

2) To give you additional incentive: one homework grade for using the site: being signed up and trying ALL of the questions!!! HA! So there!

I figured out the problem most of you are having. The pdf file includes web addresses. I didn't realize that they are also links. DO NOT click on the second link: type it in. That should fix the problem. Also: Kirby - you signed up for 7th period, not 3rd.

3) OK - I now know what I did wrong (my first time, too). You will see 4 homework assignments on Sunday morning (the earliest the system would let me), but you may not be able to work on them until noon (they do maintenance 8-12 sunday mornings).
HW#1 - completely disregard this one. It is on the list to keep my list current with Mr. Parsons.
HW#2 - NOT an actual assignment. Use it for studying. The key is available Sunday morning.
HW#3 - For studying, too (See above).
gravity and graphs - THIS IS YOUR ACTUAL ASSIGNMENT!!!! - read the hints below.


A) Many graphs on the homework site are scaled. Below each axis there is a scale you need to multiply by. Example: if it says (x3) below, then instead of 1,2,3 the scale is actually 3,6,9.

B) Remember that if the question asks for "SPEED" give the magnitude ONLY. A negative velocity would still have a positive speed.

C) DO NOT USE SIG FIGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Take ALL calculations to all decimals. If one question starts with a previous question's answer do not take the UT homework site's rounded answer!!!! Keep all of your figures.

D) DO NOT spend 6 hours on this homework! Do the best you can. Try to figure it out. Don't stress yourself out. Remember that this is 1 out of many assignments and not worth enough to matter. That said, it will help you on the test. Those that skip the UT homework usually don't do well on the test.

E) Question 9 - v with a line over it means average velocity.

F) Q15 - notice that the y-axis is acceleration.

G) Q28 - Yes, there is enough information to answer. Give your answer as a positive #.

H) Q29 - OK - this one needs some help. This is an example of simultaneous kinematic equations. In order to solve you have to know that at least one this is the same for both objects. THEY ARE DROPPED AT THE SAME TIME. So Tup = Tdown. Also, their final positions are the same. Interestingly our kinematic equations do not have position, but change of position (delta y). But change of position equals final position - initial position. Substitute this into our equations and you can then solve.

I) Q30 - Asked for velocity, so use positives and negatives.