PreAP: Due Fr, 8/29, and Tuesday 9/2

1) You will ABSOLUTELY need your own calculator for class.

2) Per 7 - Graph the two sets of this data. Remember that the x-axis is the independent variable OR the one you manipulate. The y-axis is dependent or the one that responds. So that we all don't do the same graphs. Last names A-C do the graphs 2 and 3; Last names F-L do graphs 2 and 4; last names P-Z do graphs 3 and 4.
Most common mistake: use graph paper (here's some); 1 graph per page; use a ruler to draw the axis'; do not sketch the line (1 smooth line only); try to make the graph as big as possible; NEVER use the data points as your scale.

3) I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make the graph straightening more obvious, but I can't come up with it. So, you just have to do it a couple of time to believe it works and be able to duplicate it.
Blank: "How to Straighten Graphs". Key p1; Key p2.

4) Do this homework: "PreAP Due: Fri, 8/29, and Tuesday 9/2"