PreAP Due 3/6/08

1) Do this homework: Light 4. It requires that you use the Lens Internet applet I've shown you (you'll have to push "start" twice). You MUST know what p, q, f, and C are. (Look 'em up.)
p = f means put the object (the black arrow) at f.
p < f means put the object at a distance less than f, etc.
Figure it out - no excuses!

2) Do Light 6

3) These questions from the book: p.551: Q33; p.587: Q14, 27

4) Remember from harmonic motion, when a light ray passes from one medium to another, what stays constant: speed, wavelength, or frequency?

5) 450 nm light goes from light to diamond. What is the wavelength of the light in the diamond?