Due 4/3 -

On the personal side: I'm in Seattle with my sister. She is doing OK. Surgery is tomorrow. I'm going to be the only family memeber here, so I'm glad I didn't come last week. After talking to the doctor, it seems likely I will be back on Wednesday.

During Class:

1) Bring your book! - Those of you that haven't figured it out, yet, if you read and comprehend the book, you understand the subject.

2) Read Chapters 19 and 20. If you don't understand something, ask each other. Someone will get it.

3) Work problems at the end of sections.

I realize that you have other classes that are giving you work, but during our class I expect you to work on Physics. I expect that when I get back you will have COMPLETELY read Chapters 19 and 20 WELL - not glanced over it. I expect to be able to ask you questions from both chapters and have EVERYONE be able to give basic answers. I will give a quiz when I get back over the basics. So, use that 1.5 hours well!


Particular things:

p708 - As always, it is important to understand graphs. Figure out logically why this graph makes sense. There are other graphs (like the one we did in the lab). ALWAYS, you should think about how those graphs would change if something else changes.

For example: Think of your graph we did in the lab. What was recorded on the x and y-axis? What did the slope mean? How would that slope change if your resistance went up or down?