Due Thurs, May 8, 2008 PreAP Physics
1) Do the 4 free response questions given in class (copies in my room). Sorry, but I can't put them on the internet (rules are rules).
1986B3 - A) The 120V shown by the battery is NOT a wire. It only tells you that the battery is 12 volts. B) When it says that each bulb is 60W and 120V, that means that if the bulb is connected to a 120V power source, then it uses 60W. Then you can find the resistance of each bulb.
1995B2 - If you think thru this, you should be able to do all of it. Make sure you are able to calculate resistance from power and voltage.
1998B4 - Treat each light bulb as a resistor with R ohms OR make each one equal to 1 ohm.
2002B3B - Kinda like the last one. No problems.
2) Finish the lab. You will get time to check your numbers with a meter next time. Those of you that weren't in class will need to get the lab sheet and measure the resistors.