Due Tues., 10/31

You need READ chapter 5. We will have Quiz (yes, indeed!) on Tuesday over the BASICS!

What you need to know by Tuesday:

Be able to define and calculate: Work; Energy; Potential Energy; Elastic Potential Energy; Kinetic Energy.

Be able to write Conservation of Energy situations. REMEMBER TO THINK GENERALLY!

How to Study:

1) I gave out basic notes in class. If you didn't get them, get them here.

2) Do the study helps. Do the basics, if you need them. You should do all of the ones with (A) by them.

3) ABSOLUTELY do these:

Work or Energy? - You must be able to do this one perfectly.

Calculating Work or Energy - will help you understand the equations by giving you some basic problems. You MUST be able to do this perfectly.

Adding or Subtracting Energy? - be able to do this perfectly.

Conservation of Energy

What Situation is This?