PreAP Due Thurs., 10/9 and Fri., 10/10

1)  Work on the Physics AP - B page I gave out at the end of class.  It doesn't say it exactly, but assume that the projectile is from the ground to the ground.  I thought about having you skip the first part of the question, but let me explain so you can figure it out.  You know it starts at rest and ends up at 20 m/s.  Since you also know the time, you can use the kinematics to calculate acceleration.  An equation you don't have:  F = ma.   You are given mass and can calculate acceleration.  Calculate force.  The rest of it you should be able to figure out.  

2)  You need to prepare for "Shoot the Hoops".  You should have measure the range and elevation of the projectile launcher.  Using this data, calculate initial velocity from the launcher.    Also, if you didn't get it, you need the height of the launcher when it is on the lab table.  You will use this elevation to calculate your hoops.  
One hoop will be positioned with an x position that is 1/3 of the total range (you have to calculate y and the angle, too, of course).  The second hoop is has a y position that is 1/2 the total height of the elevation from which is is shot (calculate x, y, and angle).